Support from sponsors and community donations make possible a memorable experience for students who participate in Youth Town Hall, presented by the H. N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation’s Desert Town Hall. Representing the socio-economic diversity found in the Coachella Valley, students from 22 area high schools are invited to attend.

More than 150 students attend each of four lectures each year.

Imagine the impact on these 600 young lives.

Students attend a reception where they are treated to dinner and dessert.

Academy Award-winning filmmaker Ron Howard speaks to students about his early years as a child star and his journey to Hollywood success.

Community leaders prepare students for their evening by tailoring their remarks to the featured speaker.

Students are empowered to lead their reception. Here a bright young woman introduces Admiral James Stavridis.

Students pay rapt attention to the speaker. The students present some of the most challenging questions.

Imagine the thoughts of these young men as they listen to world leaders.

Students have the opportunity to ask the speakers compelling questions.

The inspiration is evident on these young faces.

Sponsors are delighted to share in the experience of these fine students.

Students look forward to their special evening and arrive early to interact with youth from other schools.

Admiral James Stavridis met with and inspired young cadets from Indio High School.

Youth Ambassador Natasha Gamboa had the chance to meet former Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren before she introduced him on stage.

This young lady may be a future leader. Students describe in letters to the board how much the experience enriches their lives.

The speakers often remark on how their interaction with the youth is their favorite part of the evening.

Students get to practice their interviewing and reporting skills at Youth Town Hall.

Speakers are always eager to interact with our students. Kids welcome the interaction and write letters of thank you following each event.

Principals have the discretion to decide which of their school’s students attend each event. Very often the students are matched to best benefit from the speaker’s expertise, such as from government classes or the school newspaper staff.

Students are encouraged to share their Youth Town Hall experience through social media.

Letters from the students offer the best thank-you. Excerpted here is some of the heartfelt gratitude they have expressed over the years.

“Listening to world leaders like Adm. Stavridis and Ambassador Michael Oren talk about current events provided me with an understanding of our world relations, while also making me think critically about our foreign policies. The advice that Adm. Stravridis gave us (teenagers) was life changing to me. To hear a famous world leader acknowledge my anxiety for college, and give me advice on how to cope with it really changed me. I now feel ready to face my future because of Adm. Stavridis’ advice, and Youth Town Hall.” – Natasha G.

“Being a Youth Ambassador for the Youth Town Hall has been an amazing learning experience for me. It has shown me the significance of actively engaging with the community and creating great connections with those around me. I have learned the value of leadership and being able to make a positive impact on my surroundings. I have had the opportunity to build new relationships which has helped me greatly in developing myself as a person.” – Shereen S.

“Whether it was listening to Admiral James Stavridis’ insights into global security and leadership, or hearing David Pogue discuss technology and his experience on the Titanic submarine, every speaker brought forth valuable lessons that transcended mere academic knowledge. Being part of Youth Town Hall taught me the significance of active participation and civic engagement.” – Vanessa L.

“Being a Youth Ambassador is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It allows for collaboration and discussion of important topics with people the same age as you, whether or not they have similar or differing views. That is the true beauty of it.” – Benjamin D.

“I learned from the event with (photographer and explorer) Paul Nicklen that, no matter how beautiful of a job or career path you have, you’ll have to come into contact with the ugly part of it too. In order to prepare for it, you need to be as aware and open as you can be, whether it is mentally, spiritually, or physically.” – Maximos L.

“The opportunity to meet and interact with (historian) Jon Meacham was truly inspirational. His extensive knowledge of the fundamentals of democracy, paired with his unexpected humorous anecdotes, made for one of my most memorable nights.” – Tommy B.

“It was so nice to see (political personalities) Sarah Huckabee Sanders and Mike Huckabee interact as a father-daughter team. I enjoyed what they had to say about having pride in our freedom as Americans.” – Steven H.

“Thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to see the wonderful (actor and director) Ron Howard and his brother, Clint. It was amazing to be in the same room as these role models. ” – Sahraya H.

“Thank you for the opportunity to see Dr. Neil deGrasse Tyson’s lecture. He has always been an inspiration to me as I hope to one day be involved in the field of science. It was very interesting to learn about the decrease of interest in science in the U.S. as Dr. Tyson explained in his lecture. I also like that the youth got their own time to hear from Dr. Tyson and ask questions. The food was great too! I am sincerely grateful for the opportunity you have provided me and I hope to attend another Town Hall lecture in the future.” – Steven C.

“My experience at the Youth Town Hall’s Speaker Series with Platon was truly moving and inspiring. His way of speaking was direct and sincere, but most importantly conveyed that, despite our youthfulness, we have the power to change the world for the better. Platon shared with us some of his many life experiences and how they shaped him into the person he is today. Many of these stories included acts of bravery and heroism from ordinary people and humanization of huge pop culture icons and political figures – people that he has photographed throughout his career.”- Elizabeth C.

“Dr. Krauthammer further exposed me to higher level political views, broadening my mindset. I value this opportunity because I firmly believe that the youth, as the up and coming generation of voters of America, must be well informed. It was delightful to see how our desert embraces the youth by providing these generous events, through the Youth Town Hall.” – Nathan P.

“I was captured by what Mr. Karl Rove had to say. His speaking skills are impeccable, to the point where I just wanted to hear more. I liked hearing his conservative views because they opened my mind to the Republican mindset, something that I don’t have much exposure to since my whole family is very liberal.” – Austin

“I agreed when Dr. Ben Carson said that we all should stay in school and get a career to make a good life for ourselves. It is the only way we will live comfortably. It was sad to hear that 30 percent of high school students will drop out and not graduate. I liked his advice when a student asked how to keep the faith when going through school and life challenges.” – Jacqueline

“Governor Jeb Bush’s discussion was very enjoyable and enlightening. The discussion held after the speech was also very entertaining, as my peers had many good thoughts about Governor Bush’s ideas and, whether they agreed with him or not, all the students showed rational and thoughtful reasoning.” – Michael

“I never thought that I would have the privilege to listen to a lecture of a former vice president (Dick Cheney) and his daughter (Liz Cheney)…The whole experience has inspired me to get involved, and has made me realize that no educational goal is out of reach, and always attainable.” – Juanne

“I feel like I learned so much and gained so much more respect for President George W. Bush with the opportunity to hear him speak. All of his experiences he shared were so personal that I felt like I was meeting him personally. I was in awe the whole time I was there, and I could not believe that I was sitting only feet away from a former president of the United States.” – Jesse

Amistad High School
Cathedral City High School
Coachella Valley High School
Desert Christian Academy
Desert Hot Springs Alternative
Desert Hot Springs High School
Desert Mirage High School
Horizon School
Indio High School
La Familia Continuation
La Quinta High School
Mount San Jacinto Continuation
Palm Desert High School
Palm Springs High School
Palm Valley High School
Ramon Academy
Rancho Mirage High School
Shadow Hills High School
Summit Continuation
West Shores
Xavier College Prep

The H.N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation
City of Indian Wells
Foster-Gardner, Inc.
Renaissance Esmeralda Resort & Spa
Roemer & Harnik LLP
Attorneys and Counselors At Law
Sunrise Company
Toscana Country Club
Andalusia Country Club
111 Wealth Management Group
at Morgan Stanley
West Coast Turf

The Coeta & Donald Barker Foundation
The H. N. & Frances C. Berger Foundation
& many supporters and friends of our youth

Thank you to sponsors, board members, subscribers, and to the Coeta & Donald Barker Foundation, for helping to make a difference in these young lives.